The purpose of the Development Office is to establish and maintain long-term relations with and amongst alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of the school and to develop partnerships with local businesses and foundations. The office seeks to channel interest into a meaningful expression of support and solicit the funds necessary to provide for the general operations, capital, and endowment needs of the School.

As you know charitable gifts to Hilton Head Preparatory School are vital to the ongoing development of the school and each gift reflects the strong spirit of philanthropy and culture of giving that is evident within our school community. Like other independent schools, Hilton Head Preparatory School depends on the Prep Pride Fund Annual Giving Campaign to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating each student.

What makes our Prep Pride Fund different from other fundraisers is that the money raised is unrestricted. That means that the money can be used anywhere it is needed and where it will benefit our students the most.

Please visit our pages about the Prep Pride Fund and other ways you can support our school by clicking the tabs on the left hand side of the page.

If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact Margot Brown, Director of Development and Finance, at 843-715-8506.

Ways to Give

There are many ways to make a gift to the Prep Pride Fund, each expressing a donor's particular interests. All gifts to the Prep Pride Fund are tax deductible. Hilton Head Prep welcomes gifts by check or credit card and also accepts contributions of appreciated securities or stock, corporate matching gifts or planned gifts. Please contact Margot Brown, Chief Advancement Officer, at 843-715-8506, or Leslie Hart, Director of the Prep Pride Fund & Alumni Relations, at 843-715-8536 for additional information.

Support Prep

List of 6 items.

  • Gifts by Mail

    To make a gift by mail, make checks payable to Hilton Head Preparatory School and mail to: The Development Office, Hilton Head Preparatory School, 8 Fox Grape Road, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928.
  • Gifts by Phone

    Please call Prep's Director of Development and Finance, Margot Brown, at 843-715-8506.
  • Online Gifts

    Please fill out the Online Giving Form.
  • Gifts of Securities or Stock

    Gifts of appreciated securities or stock are easy to make and can offer significant tax advantages. Please contact Director of Development and Finance, Margot Brown, or call 843-715-8506 for transfer instructions or read the stock transfer instructions.
  • Planned Gifts

    Bequests, large and small, have been a significant source of support for Hilton Head Prep. A legal disposition by will, which names Hilton Head Prep as the recipient of all or a portion of the donor's estate, not only helps the school, but usually reduces the donor's federal estate taxes, and in most cases state inheritance taxes as well. The donor may specify that the school receive a percentage, an asset, a specific dollar amount or a remainder of his or her estate. Frequently, a donor may set up a charitable arrangement designating the income for life to another person and the principal, ultimately, to Hilton Head Prep.

    If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact Margot Brown, Director of Development and Finance, at 843-715-8506
  • Sponsor-A-Student Program

    Make a Difference in a Student’s Life

    Prep’s Sponsor-a-Student Program offers you the opportunity to provide scholarship grants for students who may not have the chance to attend Prep without the help of benefactors like you. We believe it is vital that our school community reflect the diversity found in the real world. We strive to attract diverse students from a true cross section of the Lowcountry and beyond. Our population is ethnically and culturally diverse. We hope you will take the opportunity to invest in the education, transformation, and future of a diverse population of qualified students for academic challenges, successful college experiences, and rewarding lives.

    Although our school is tuition driven, we believe that tuition costs should not be a deterrent for attendance. Our goal is to make a Prep education affordable for every family who wishes to be here. Approximately 30% of our students receive need based tuition assistance, and with your help we will be able to offer more students the help that they need. Thank you for your commitment towards this goal!

    For more information, please call Margot Brown, Director of Development and Finance, at 843-715-8506.

Other Ways to Support Prep

List of 3 items.

  • Corporate Matching Gifts

    A corporate matching gift is a great way for a donor to considerably increase the size of his or her gift. Many companies will match gifts 1:1; some will even triple employee contributions. Matching gifts, for instance, can change a $500 contribution into a Leadership Circle gift of $1,000. Contact your company's Human Resources Department to obtain the necessary forms and instructions and read the list of select matching gift companies.
  • Prep Patrons

    Monthly donations reduce costs and help support our students and our school.

    A small gift each month helps Hilton Head Prep spend more money on providing our children with high-quality academic programming and less on administrative costs. It is an easy and affordable way for individuals to make their support go further.

    Benefits of Monthly Giving

    The monthly giving program benefits both the students we serve and our supporters.

    Monthly gifts provide Hilton Head Prep:
    • A steady and predictable source of income
    • Income acquired at substantially lower administrative costs than other fundraising methods
    • Income that will provide weeks, months and years of high-quality academic and athletic programming, support for the Visual and Performing Arts and many other programs at Prep.

    Benefits of monthly giving to our supporters:

    • Monthly gifts go further to support our school in its mission
    • The ability to increase, decrease or cancel your pledge whenever you wish
    • Donor status; as part of a select group of caring individuals who support our continued academic excellence in the lowcountry.
    • An annual statement to assist in tax preparation
  • Crowdfunding

    Want to make an impact on our school and students through your various networks? Rally your friends and family to join you in your goal to help our students get the quality education they deserve.

    Visit the following websites to start your campaign today.

Capital & Endowment Giving

Capital Giving

Capital gifts, generally to the physical plant differ from annual support, which provides support to the operating budget and thus is expended each year. Instead, capital gifts allow the school the opportunity to look to its long-term future.

In 2008, the school successfully completed a $6.5 million campaign, which resulted in the new Joseph B. Fraser Field House and a significant increase in the endowment.

Endowment Giving

Hilton Head Prep is fortunate to have donors, past and present, who are committed to giving to endowment. Named endowment funds are vital to sustaining the fiscal health of Hilton Head Prep. Named endowment funds are established at a minimum of $50,000 through outright gifts of stock and cash, or through bequests and other estate planning vehicles. Each fund leaves a meaningful legacy to Hilton Head Prep. These funds are typically used to endow scholarships, teaching positions or other programs and expenses as stipulated by the donor. The endowment is managed by hired investment consultants.

If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact Margot Brown, Director of Development and Finance, at 843-715-8506.

Endowed Scholarship Funds

List of 6 items.

  • Alumni Legacy Scholarship

    Established in 2012, the Alumni Legacy Scholarship recognizes the importance of alumni to the school and is awarded to new applicants entering junior kindergarten through fifth grade whose parent or grandparent received a diploma from Hilton Head Prep, May River Academy or Sea Pines Academy.
  • Art Department Scholarship

    Established in 2009, the Art Department Scholarship is awarded annually to two students who combine excellence in academic achievement, high moral character and a propensity for excellence in the visual or performing arts.
  • Jim Ferree Golf Outing Scholarship

    Established in 2006, the Jim Ferree Golf Outing Scholarship is awarded annually to a student with financial need who combines academic achievement, strong moral character and a propensity for excellence in athletics.
  • Live Like John Berrigan Scholarship

    Established in 2021, and in memory of John Joseph Berrigan, the Live Like John Berrigan Scholarship is awarded to an upper school student (9th-12th grade) who exemplifies kindness, encouragement, and makes a positive impact on our youth. 
  • Richard A. Basirico Scholarship

    Established in 2012, the Richard A. Basirico Scholarship is awarded to that student who most represents two hallmarks shared by both Mr. Basirico and Hilton Head Prep: academic excellence and moral integrity.
  • Tennis Carnevale Scholarship

    Established in 2009, the Tennis Carnevale Scholarship is awarded to two students annually (one boy and one girl) who combine academic excellence, strong moral character and a propensity for excellence in tennis.

Leadership Giving

Leadership Giving celebrates those who are leaders in annual giving at Hilton Head Prep while honoring the school's founding values perpetuated by these gifts.

This dedicated group makes a significant impact. Hilton Head Prep celebrates and acknowledges this leadership giving and encourages others who are able to lead as well.

The success of our Leadership Giving — and the generosity, vision, and advocacy that the giving circles celebrate — allows the school to continue supporting our talented faculty, our unique curriculum, our commitment to financial aid, and our special campus.

If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact Margot Brown, Director of Development and Finance, at 843-715-8506.

Giving Levels

Leadership Circle Levels
The Legacy Circle - $25,000+
The Visionary Circle - $20,000 - $24,999
The Sea Pines Circle - $15,000 - $19,999
The Heritage Circle - $10,000 - $14,999
The Lighthouse Circle - $7,500 - $9,999
The Chairman's Circle - $5,000 - $7,499
Head of School Circle - $2,500 - $4,999
The Dolphin Circle
- $1,000 - $2,499

Other Giving Levels
Friends of Prep
- $1-$499
Patrons of Prep - $500 - $999